Category Archives: President

Loss of a Legend

Daisy Blanton
Daisy Blanton 1943-2023

On Tuesday, May 23, 2023 we lost Daisy Blanton, beloved CBC member and Chattanooga ambassador for recreational cycling. Daisy’s decades of tireless service to the CBC, love of adventure, grit and determination, unfailing spirit, enthusiasm for cycling, and passion for sharing all of this with others earned her the love and respect of cyclists throughout the Chattanooga area. 

A CBC member since 1992, a consummate volunteer, ride leader, and cycling mentor, Daisy was to many of you the face of the Chattanooga Bicycle Club. In honor of her many contributions to cycling, she was among the first inductees into the Chattanooga Cycling Hall of Fame. (Click here to see and hear Daisy talk about some of her cycling exploits.)

Daisy’s contributions to the cycling community, her infectious enthusiasm, and her dedication to cycling will live on in the hearts and minds of the countless cyclists who knew and loved her.  She will be sorely missed. As appropriate and when available we’ll update you via e-mail with additional information, e.g., memorial services for Daisy. 

Ride on, Daisy!

Spring Fling – Thank you

Participation is what makes the world go around and the club work and thrive. 

Many thanks to everyone who attended Saturday’s Spring Fling and Gear Swap at Lee & Gordan’s Mill/Venue in Chickamauga, GA.  Fifty-five+ members enjoyed a morning of rides, a wonderful lunch, and engaging camaraderie with fellow club members.  It was a great way and a great day to officially kick off the season. 

Special thanks and appreciation to Deb and Sam Beck, who really went all out to ensure that we had a fantastic day.  On the bike and off, we have a great team!

Stay safe and keep showing up for those club rides.  (Don’t forget there are three rides remaining in the 2023 climbing series–April 8, 15, and 22!)

See you on the road,



Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as CBC president for the 2023 season.  While I am truly honored to take hold of the CBC’s handlebars for a while, I am mostly proud to be part of a team of dedicated cyclists and cycling advocates in the Chattanooga area.  We, the current members of the CBC, are fortunate to be the beneficiaries of more than five decades of organized riding, promotion, and teamwork that have made the CBC the strong club it is today.  

We begin the 2023 season on a solid foundation.  Membership is up and growing.  More and more rides are being organized and led by CBC members. We are operating in the black, and we are co-sponsors to a fantastic ride (Sequatchie Valley Century) that I believe is one of the southeast’s best centuries and has the potential to become one of the region’s most popular centuries.

The Cycling Hall of Fame, for which we owe much to Forrest Simmons and Rich Rudner, is quickly becoming an institution in Chattanooga.  And what a great way to recognize some of the area’s superb cyclists (who knew?) while heralding the CBC and cycling in the greater Chattanooga area!  As the Cycling Hall of Fame evolves, I hope CBC remains in the forefront as a principal catalyst while bringing in the support and participation of other cycling-related entities in the area.  

As we know, the Chattanooga area offers some of the best riding anywhere.  From difficult mountain climbs and racing to easy and casual rides, it’s all here.  The secret is out, and increasingly, area municipalities have a favorable view toward bicycles and are looking for ways to encourage more people to ride.  Concurrently, lifestyle changes and advances in technology, including ebike technology, are making bike riding more attractive and more accessible to larger swaths of the community.  This “perfect storm” is a growth opportunity for the Club and for cycling in general.  I encourage you to take advantage of the volunteer/support opportunities we have in the Honey Bee Metric/Century in late April and the Sequatchie Valley Century in October.  In addition, we will soon announce some cycling advocacy opportunities with Outdoor Chattanooga, e.g., beginning bicycle classes, rides, and events for which volunteers will be needed.  Also, I encourage you to reach out to me and other board members with ideas, suggestions, or criticisms.  And keep posting, leading, and attending those rides.  That’s where the rubber really hits the road. 

See you on the road,
