All posts by Sharon Russell

How Are We Doing?

The purpose of CBC shall be to educate, promote, advocate and
develop bicycling for transportation, fitness, and recreation; to
serve the community; to provide opportunities to ride with others;
to defend and protect the rights of cyclists; to secure safer and
more bicycle-friendly riding conditions; to advocate the allocation
of facilities for cycling on public lands; to promote bicycle safety
by requiring the use of helmets on all rides and observing traffic

As 2023 draws to a close, our board members would like your feedback. How are we doing in fulfilling our mission, as stated in our bylaws?

  • What are we doing right?
  • What are we getting wrong?
  • What do you most value in your CBC membership?
  • How might you help?

We want to hear from you. Please send your feedback to [email protected].

And a plea for help

On that last point, I’d like to again call attention to a critical need to ensure the club’s continued operation into 2024. We are in desperate need of a Treasurer. Our current treasurer is retiring off the board at the end of this year. We need someone who can make sure our bills get paid, oversee filing of our government reports, and prepare the annual budget. We hire an accountant to do most of the heavy work, but the Treasurer position does require some basic financial skills and the ability to devote a few (sometimes a few more) hours each month to keep us on track and fiscally responsible. Per our bylaws, a candidate for this job shall have been a club member for not less than 24 months on the date of their election. As with all our board positions this is an unpaid volunteer job.

If you can help or know someone who might, please drop an email to Sharon Russell or Tom Hand .

(If you’d like to discuss the job in more detail with our current treasurer, please email Mike Sabin.)

Thanks for reading this far!


End of Season Party – Thank you Sam & Debbie!

A big thanks to Sam and Debbie Beck for hosting this year’s End of Season Party at their home on Signal Mountain. It was a smashing success, thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended!

The day’s festivities began with a choice of three ride distances – short, intermediate and long – led by Donna Killian (subbing in for Tony Thompson), Alan Voss, and Richard Russell.

The weather was perfect for riding, with plenty of sunshine highlighting the beautiful fall foliage which is beginning to appear in abundance atop the mountain.

Post ride, members feasted on Sam’s delicious BBQ pork, smoked chicken and portobello mushroom burgers, along with a bounty of sides and desserts supplied by club members.

Sitting around the fire pit, chatting with friends, enjoying the live music of bluegrass band Smokey Holler – we couldn’t have asked for a better day.

Volunteer Opportunity

The Cycle Sequatchie Century & 3 Mtn Challenge is the CBC’s biggest fundraiser and we need our members’ help to ensure its success.

Can you be a friendly face at a rest stop, helping to prepare and serve snacks and drinks to ensure that participants are hydrated and fueled along the ride?

Can you help riders make correct turns and safely navigate road crossings by serving as a course marshal?

How about helping with packet pickup the morning of the event?

Every volunteer will receive an event t-shirt along with food and beer tickets.

You can see the full listing of volunteer positions by clicking here!

Bakers! One more area of need that is not listed on the signup website: The three CBC-sponsored rest stops are known for the delicious homemade baked goods provided by our club members. If you are able to help with this, please email Sharon Russell.

Thanks in advance!